Windsor Food and Fuel Bank Inc.
Let no person go hungry, be cold, or go without basic necessities.

Fuel and Utility Assistance

Fuel and Utility Assistance

The Windsor Fuel Bank offers emergency crisis benefits for eligible Windsor residents who are experiencing hardship with their utility bills, heating needs and water bills.

The goal of the Fuel Bank is to ensure no one is cold or goes without electricity especially during the winter.

During the winter months, grants are awarded to households to assist residents through the winter, after they have exhausted their state benefits and in the spring/summer months to prevent the disconnection of electricity. Grants are provided for deliverable fuel during the winter season as well as assistance with electricity during the summer.

More than 80 households received assistance in the form of a grant, through the Windsor Fuel Bank last year.

Windsor residents are invited to complete an application form to determine eligibility based on household size and financial need. Call Social Services at 860-285-1839 to inquire. Funding for the Fuel Bank is made possible by private donations and federal emergency funding.